
Pilz Safety relay 750104 PNOZ s4 24VDC 3 n/o 1 n/c в Москве

One PNOZ safety relay is used per safety function. PNOZsigma safety relay (standalone), inputs: 1/2-channel wiring with/without detection of shorts across contacts, manual/automatic start, outputs: 3 N/O, 1 N/C, 1 SC, UB 24 V DC, width: 22.5 mm, plug-in screw terminals, monitoring of E-STOP, safety gates, light guard.

Technical data
Electrical data
Supply voltage (V) 24 V
Type of supply voltage U1 DC
Power consumption DC 2.5 W3
Normally Open contacts, 1 Normally Closed, 1 Semiconductor
24 Vdc supply voltage
DIN rail mounting
Operating modes, single channel, automatic reset, dual channel
Screw terminals

Email: anna@cwlyautomation.com
Tel: +86 13667121125 whatsapp/ vk/ telegram also available
Company: CW Green Tech

The Pilz PNOZ sigma series Safety Relay meets the requirements of EN 60947-5-1, EN 60204-1 and VDE 0113-1 and may be used in applications with E-Stop. The PNOZ s4 series from Pilz are safety relays for monitoring E-STOP pushbuttons, safety gates and light beam devices.

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