
Construction Workers Recruitment Services в Москве

HBS Consultancy as a construction recruitment agency supplies professional, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled candidates every time as per the clients required all over Europe. The consultancy is the big provider of all types of construction manpower belonging to various requirements in railway, road, electricity, telecommunication, roads, coastlines, airports, railways, telecommunications, and electricity, irrigation and construction projects all over. And a big hand to supply many multi-skilled candidates (Laborer, Plumber, Shuttering Carpenter, Draftsman, Ductman, Mechanics, Roofer, Painter, Tiles Fitter, etc). The candidates are picked from Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh & Philippines to meet the industry requirements. As a global manpower consultancy, we always aim to give the best recruitment services for the UK, Romania, Hungary, Malta, Serbia, Poland and Croatia.
SO, What are you waiting for?
Choose the Best services from Best Construction Recruitment Agency for the Best Client.
That’s why we always say, “Be Best. Be The Best”.
Contact Us:
HBS Manpower Consultancy
Website: https://www.hbsconsultancy.com/
Mail Id: info@hbsconsultancy.com , hr@hbsconsultancy.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HBS-Consultancy-100659552623862
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/hbs-consultancy/

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